Haja ou não haja frutos,
pelo sonho é que vamos.
Basta a fé no que temos,
basta a esperança naquilo
que talvez não teremos.
Basta que a alma demos,
com a mesma alegria
ao que desconhecemos
e ao que é do dia-a-dia.
Chegamos? Não chegamos?
Partimos. Vamos. Somos.
Sebastião da Gama
* (it's hard, hard not to sit on your hands/and bury your head in the sand/hard not to make other plans/and claim that you've done all you can all along/and life must go on/it's hard, hard to stand up for whats right/and bring home the bacon each night/hard not to break down and cry/when every idea that you've tried has been wrong/but you must go on/it's hard but you know it's worth the fight/'cause you know you've got the truth on your side/when the accusations fly, hold tight/don't be afraid of what they'll say/who cares what cowards think, anyway/they will understand one day, one day/it's hard, hard when youre here all alone/and everyone else has gone home/harder to know right from wrong/when all objectivities gone/and it's gone/but you still carry on/'cause you, you are the only one left/and you've got to clean up the mess/you know you'll end like the rest/bitter and twisted, unless/you stay strong and you carry on/it's hard but you know i'ts worth the fight/'cause you know you've got the truth on your side/when the accusations fly, hold tight/don't be afraid of what they'll say/who cares what cowards think, anyway/they will understand one day, one day...) ** e é isto mesmo.